• Question: how do u feel about toxic masculinity in the workplace and sexism

    Asked by Holly🐸🤌 on 24 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Tom Ranner

      Tom Ranner answered on 24 Nov 2020:

      It’s horrible and has no place in the modern world. I try my best to call out any overt or implicit discrimination, harassment or exclusion at work and have been given training to support me in that too.

    • Photo: Chris Budd

      Chris Budd answered on 25 Nov 2020:

      There is no place whatsoever for toxic masculinity or sexism in the workplace!
      I serve on the Equality and Diversity Committee at Bath which works very hard
      to make sure that this does not happen at my university.

    • Photo: Eduard Campillo-Funollet

      Eduard Campillo-Funollet answered on 25 Nov 2020:

      I feel truly sad about sexism in the workplace and I work hard to fight it in every way I can. We have several programs to ensure that everybody can work in an inclusive and safe environment regardless of gender and identity.

    • Photo: Heather Collis

      Heather Collis answered on 25 Nov 2020:

      Toxic masculinity and sexism are things that shouldn’t exist in the modern work place but often do. However, there are some really great people doing fantastic work to try and combat this. Most universities now hold Athena Swan Awards (Bronze, Silver, or Gold) from the Athena Swan Charter for Gender Equality and you should be able to look up what level award any university you are interesting attending holds.

      I also sit as a student rep on my departments Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee. We work hard to ensure that issues surrounding sexism do not become common place in our work environment. I also receive some funding from my department to run events for our Women, Non-binary, and Trans People in Mathematics Network. This is a wonderful network to be part of and there have been careers events focusing on Women, Non-binary, and Trans People organised through this.

      Finally, the responsibility for change should not solely be placed on the shoulders of the people being discriminated against and it is important to note that combatting sexism is a job for everyone (regardless of their gender) and by working together to make progress we make a safer and friendly work environment for everyone.

    • Photo: Cesare Giulio Ardito

      Cesare Giulio Ardito answered on 25 Nov 2020:

      I believe that those are both relics of a bad past that should not be allowed, tolerated or excused in any workplace (or, really, anywhere).

    • Photo: Christos Klerides

      Christos Klerides answered on 25 Nov 2020:

      I feel truly sad when I hear cases of discrimination, harassment and sexism in the workplace. The company that I work for follows strict procedures and there is an equality, diversity and inclusion team to ensure that the above don’t happen.
